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(????)? ?More island of Blessings times please?(ˆ?ˆ?)

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  • #61
    Agree for the change..


    • #62
      I vote this IOB event removed!! its unfair to casher!!


      • #63
        lol vote for it to be removed? are u on drugs? the only thing unfair about this event is that many ppl cant participate in it bcuz of lag and disconnection. the other thing r2 needs to do is fix the fact that we r kicked out of iob upon dc'ing


        • #64
          Just do what most the servers do, have one of the really strong players pick the winning team, whatever team he lands on each day, and that teams wins. So its completely random and fair, if u get 5 alts on that team congratz, if not to bad, maybe tomarrow. Its how my server does it, and no1 complains or tries to sabo it, cause everyone benefits.


          • #65
            Originally posted by HeinZmeriN View Post
            agree i want to changed the time in iob
            its not a change of time but they wanna add another time slot


            • #66
              Please add an AFK timer like seng. Would fix the lag issues, and reward the people actually competing.

              Yes two time slots, Like avernal with only one attempt. Current time is fine, second time slot can be at... boy its hard to fit a second time slot I guess 10pm.
              Server- Plethuran Plains
              Char Name - (S52)Taken
              Level - Eidolon level 150
              Class - Knight
              Guild - (S52)Elysium


              • #67
                I want Indian standard time cause lot of idiots want there time.. lol
                why not change it to indian standard time so see how many will be online lol can be some change since all
                event is euro zone or america zone or phillipines zone


                • #68
                  Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                  teams aren't super important. on a few of the older servers they are kinda pointless anyways. 9 servers in one. competing for small amount of limited collectables. kinda. eh. lol. I got 2 rain stones while on the "stronger" team. need a bunch to make a difference. basically a lot of people so just sitting there counting ones blessings is good enough.
                  more times would give more people the option to participate as well. if consider US times, schools, works etc all start roughly 6-8am to 2-5 pm depending on classes/shifts which is when the event is going.
                  so you want to change only US time zone? lol so mean how can you even thing abt only american time zone?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by DodoApple View Post
                    so you want to change only US time zone? lol so mean how can you even thing abt only american time zone?

                    its a American based game with publishing rights to do only American time zones since there are other platforms which have the rights to other times. and in all honesty I have never said "only change it for US ppl". there are many people who play this game. however I will state all the ppl who make a single threads w not much in them and say "change them for indo or UK etc etc etc" = everyone but US. is kinda going far off the request form. but its a event that is even rough for about 90% or more of americans anyways. most people have school or work during those times. what i would like to see is times that R2 is allowed to publish in but is also good for a lot of people.
                    to change it for one changes it for another


                    • #70
                      I would like it around 8pm server time for west, that would be pretty nice, if we had the one now, and at 8pm give everyone a chance.


                      • #71
                        Changing the time wont solve anything, since its american time based they cant just change it to suite other countries time zone. So I say deal with it or change servers, adding another time for IOB is a good idea, why cant just everybody agree to it and stop requesting time changes


                        • #72
                          my vote yes and i suggest the same thing for crypt but they didnt do it. i wanted another time slot for crypt
                          if you have a Problem send a ticket


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by DX0006 View Post
                            Changing the time wont solve anything, since its american time based they cant just change it to suite other countries time zone. So I say deal with it or change servers, adding another time for IOB is a good idea, why cant just everybody agree to it and stop requesting time changes
                            American time yet setting it at 10am then 12noon - both of which are times when people are working/at school during the weekday. Doesn't sound like a very "american" time to me except for weekends.

                            But either way, I do agree: it's still best to just add another slot because no matter what , the time won't be right for everyone so changing the slot won't help. Adding a slot will.
                            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                            • #74
                              Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                              American time yet setting it at 10am then 12noon - both of which are times when people are working/at school during the weekday. Doesn't sound like a very "american" time to me except for weekends.

                              But either way, I do agree: it's still best to just add another slot because no matter what , the time won't be right for everyone so changing the slot won't help. Adding a slot will.

                              I agree,just add another slot at like 22:00 or 18:00.But don't change it to those times,because that way non-american players can't participate o_O Note : I'm well aware of GG at 18:00 but every other hour is also busy and GG seems like the least important event because other hours are occupied by : Seng,avernal,crypt,SOTF,treasure trove,CoF,guild boss...
                              LEARN TO SPELL PEOPLE,ITS ROGUE NOT ROUGE D:<


                              • #75
                                So can we expect a time change, and if they do change the time how soon will they change it. Only being able to do IOB on the weekends is not fun considering the weekends are spent doing things with the family so I end up missing one or both weekend events. Who, in the Free World, is the current time for; unemployed people or people that work on computers all day? Nobody I know in central, east, and west time can do this event. My friends on the other side of the world are upgrading their ewings at a rate that makes cashers jelly. Please make the time in the evening with the other events. You could cut a delivery quest and Talaman Arena, lol. Three delivery quests are not longer needed.
                                "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"

